Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Parallels In Power And Othering In 1984 And Imbeciles.

Parallels in Power and Othering in 1984 and Imbeciles Like many I was aware of the eugenics movement in the United States in the 1920’s. However, after reading the story of Carrie Buck and learning more about the nature of the procedurals involved in these sterilizations I have a new found understanding of the roles Power and Othering played in the unlawful tests conducted on Carrie buck and many members of her family. The way in which those elite of the 1920’s mimics the party and the thought police in George Orwell’s 1984, is incredibly interesting to ponder. There are even instances of power and othering having the exact effects among nations today as well. The similarities between these major themes that we have continuously†¦show more content†¦Due to the popularity of the Eugenics movement among the social hierarchy there was ample opportunity for those employed the legal system to get involved such as lawyers and judges. This was such the case in Albemarle County, Virginia with Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes and Dr. John Hendren Bell working very closely together to protect the true intentions of the movement and to keep anyone the deemed â€Å"feeble-minded†, to be sterilized. Their relationship also allowed for the legal cover up and of these events and they also produced falsified documents to further protect the sterilizing program â€Å" Holmes agreed, telling Pollock the discussion make him inclined to believe â€Å"it would be possible to breed a race.† In the five years since his Illinois Law Review article, his phrasing had become more biological: he had gone from wanting to â€Å"build† a race to wanting to â€Å"breed† one† (Cohen, 2016:241-42). Once again, we can see the exploitation of power by those who possess it can lead to severely negative effects for the lesser classes. There is another great parallel example of such the abuse of power by the Party in 1984, with they have the ability to strip a person’s name from ever y record that exists which mean the Party has the power to remove a person’s entire existence. If that is not a clear and blazon example of absolute power over people than what else is? We also see examples this ability to use corrupt political

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